
Showing posts from 2012

TextWrangler and formating XML & JSON Documents

TextWrangler is a good alternative for Notepad++ on Mac Os X but it quite doesn't have the plugins that notepad++ enjoys. 2 Scripts which I really use: Format Xml Document: Format JSon Document: For assigning shortcuts - Goto preferences in TextWrangler (Cmd + ,), Click on Menus & Shortcuts Select Text on the right side box. Expand Text Filters Click on the plugin (on to the right most side) Type a unique key combination Close Preferences.

Android UI Wireframing online tool

Anyone tried this Android UI wireframing online tool: Seems to be good. More details:

Http Post utility

Poster seems to be a very good browser plugin to do HTTP Posts. It supports all http method calls, headers and post body formats. It's available for Firefox and Chrome for both Windows and Mac. Link for chrome: is another good one if you want to try it on browser & not install a plugin. If you want to download an app for Mac, then try out ApiKitchen. Url: . It has an online version too: It's still in beta (as of 30 May 2012) but accomplishes most of the job very well. Rest-Client is another good tool.

SpringSource ToolSuite - changing maven repo

If you are using STS, you would have found that you cannot modify the default maven repo being used in the project preferences or STS preferences. To change it, goto preferences -> maven -> Installations. You will find the location for settings.xml. Goto this file in Finder/Explorer and modify the to point to the correct repo you want. Restart STS and you should be good to go.  Solution found from : Thanks  Christian.

Visiting any blogger sites from India seems to redirect it to This seems to be part of creating a  country-code top level domain , or 'ccTLD' so that removal of content becomes easier for country level. If you want to visit the original blogsite, just append /ncr to the blog.  So to access this blog, you would be using More info:

Mac OS X Lion Tweaks Tool

Mac OS X Tweaks - Very useful tool especially to show and hide hidden files.

XCode 4.3.2 install fails

If you get an error stating mobile device framework has to be installed, but errors out when trying to install it, then try the following: Right click on the file and click on show package contents. Goto Contents/Resources/Packages/ and open MobileDevices.pkg Try launching xcode after installing above and it should go ahead fine now.

MAC: Remove icons from Finder toolbar

Customize Toolbar doesn't have option to remove the icons. Right clicking the icon only gives options to If you want to remove the icon, then press "Command" and drag the icon outside the toolbar and release the mouse.

Itunes removing invalid songs from list

Very easy to use script:

Motorola Xoom not starting

Press Sound Up key + Power on/off button together.

iPhone 4 not starting

I have seen this happen 3 times now. iPhone stops working suddenly - it just goes dead and whatever you do, you cannot boot up. Tried following: Long pressing lock button (on top).  Use special screwdriver and remove the screws near speaker and blow. Try to connect to your MAC/Windows and see if it gets recognized in itunes/drive.  None of the above worked. Simple solution to fix is: Press Lock & Home Button together for 10 to 15 secs. Apple icon should come up :-)

Interesting article on why we shouldn't use Task Killers on Android Not that I completely agree as per my observation, but interesting to read - especially the section which mentions:  "On Android, having your RAM nearly full is a  good  thing. It means that when you relaunch an app you've previously opened, the app launches quickly and returns to its previous state. So while Android actually uses RAM efficiently, most users see that their RAM is full and assume that's what's slowing down their phone. In reality, your CPU—which is only used by apps that are actually active—is almost always the bottleneck."

Associating file types to an app in MAC

There doesn't seem to be one place like windows registry classes subclass or the file associations application where you can set the application to open a file of certain extension in Mac OS X. If you select one file and click open with and select an App, it's associated to open that file only even if you select "Always open with". It doesn't set the open with app association for all files with that extension. Easiest way (or is it the only way?) to do that seems to be this way: Open File Info of a file of that extension. For e.g., to set all .sh to open in macvim, select any .sh file in Finder. Then Click Command I or right click -> File Info. In the Open With section, select the app to open the file with And importantly select the option "Change All". That's it - This should do.